‘DPCW 10 articles, 38 clauses’, Resolution for Peace
It is very happy to see a clear sky. On this weekend without fine dust seeing the clear sky makes our mind full of peace. When would we welcome peace on the globe? Korea is not in ending of civil war but in cease-fire. it is like reality of Korea is in the disaster of fine dust.
Starting with Inter-Korea Summit there was North-USA Summit which can be efforts to achieve peace on the globe continously. We have more respect for the peace organization of Korea, HWPL(Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light) which has made a global work for achieving peace.
HWPL has made a work of peace volunteeringly making the 30th peace tour worldwide with an answer for the unification on korean peninsula and achievement of peaceful world. DPCW(Declartion of Peace, Cessation of War, 10 articles and 38 clauses) which was drafted by International Law Peace Council that has law experts is concentrating our eyes on it. From article 1 to article 5 is for prohibiton of conflicts, second article 6 and 7 for resolution of conflicts and article 8 to article 10 is for sustaining of peace. DPCW which consists of these 10 articles is regarded as a international law with legal force.
Since we have faced the work of peace which has been made by HWPL we could feel the unification and peace on korean peninsula is not far from us. The goal of HWPL is to submit DPCW to UN Assembly to be adopted. It is for DPCW to be a legally binding document which can prohibit wars between countries.
Is it possible for DPCW to be adopted as a new international law at last? We are sure that it would be accomplished because global women and youths are supporting this. 700,000 global citizens from 170 countries are working with supports for DPCW including citizen societies. If two third of Un ambassadors agree with it, it will be adopted. Unless any president agree with DPCW he will be regarded as a national leader who doesn't want peace to the future generations.
We need your supports for HWPL which is trying to end war and achieve peaceful world. Peace is already around us. Please join the work of HWPL. Inherit Peace to the coming generation as a legacy.
Will support you until the day the DPCW is enacted & implemented at the UN. Thank you HWPL.