"평화"의 일은 우리 모두의 일, HWPL과 함께합시다.
Peace Projects in 170 Countries: HWPL Celebrates a Decade of Global Commitment to Peace
# world peace # HWPL # Peace project # 9.18 # 10th anniversary # Lee Man-hee
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How have you been, everyone?
It is raining now. Although the fall season started, it was still hot and humid for a month. But at last, it is raining all day. So after raining, I am looking forward to cool weather.
On September 18th, 2024, the 10th Anniversary of the HWPL World Peace Summit was celebrated in South korea and various locations worldwide reaching 122 countries. The theme is "Creating World Peace Community Through Regional Collaboration.
HWPL stated that the purpose of the anniversary is to review ahievements since 2014 and discuss upcoming plans.Hevenly Culture, World Peace , Restoration of Light (HWPL) is an international NGO affiliated with UN ECOSOC. Through 10 years of international cooperation for peace, HWPL has 500,000 members in 170 countries and is conducting peace projects through MOAs or MOUs with 1,014 organizations in 105 countries.
In line with the event keyword of regional coopreration, HWPL formed a partnership with the itnegovernmnet organization Group of 7+(G7+) and high-level political forum organization The Latin American Parliament(PARLATINO) to develop peace initiatives.
This peace summit engages social representatives in peace projects in different countries. In South Korea, the " Together: conncting Korea' officially launched a national campaign for social harmony. Aligning with 230 civil society organization, this campaing connects generations and diverse cultures, and conducts various environmental protection activies.
Do you want to acheive peace all over the world? Really? I have a son who is 13years old. So if the war happens, my son will go to the war field. I cannot imagine this. War is never permitted anymore. The law of UN is that War is possible in need. No. Never. War must not happnen. No reason.
If you really want world peace, how about joining HWPL?
여러분은 평화란 무엇이라고 생각하시나요?
안 싸우는것? 전쟁을 멈추는것? 서로 배려하고 도우며 잘 사는 것?
생각보다 별 거 아닙니다. 평화는 내 자신의 마음속에 사랑이라는 씨앗을 심어 틔우는 것입니다.
나 자신부터 평화를 실천하고 평화를 위해 한 목소리를 내어 평화운동을 한다면 그것이야말로
평화를 만들어내는 것이지요.
思ったより大したことないです。 平和とは、自分の心の中に愛という種を植え付けることです。
지금 지구촌에는 수많은 전쟁이 일어나고 있습니다.
크고 작은 전쟁 뿐만아니라 당장 우리 대한민국도 남과 북으로 나뉘어 같은 민족끼리 서로를 적으로 치부하여 총을 겨누고 있는 휴전상태인데요.
비단 이런 눈에 보이는 전쟁 뿐만아니라 누군가를 시기하고, 성별이 나뉘어 혐오를 하고, 각종 범죄를 짓는것까지 포함한다면 끝도 없습니다.
이러한 때에 평화를 실천할 수 있는것은 이글을 읽고 있는 당신 뿐입니다.
전세계의 평화를 위해 뛰고 있는 평화단체 HWPL을 지지해주십시오.
분명 당신의 지지 하나가 작은 불씨가 되어 커다란 희망의 불꽃이 될겁니다.
평화, 어렵지 않습니다. 함께 해주세요.
平和、難しくありません。 ご一緒してください。
날이 점점 선선해지고 밤낮으로 일교차가 큰 가을의 초입에, 다들 건강하게 잘 지내고 계신가요?
동남아 지역 바다에서 태풍이 일어나 점점 북상하고 있다는 소식이 들려오는 가운데, 한국과 일본은 찜통 더위와 더불어 엄청난 습도로 가을임에도 불구하고 더운 나날을 보내고 있는데요.
오늘은 이 더위만큼이나 끔찍하고 안타까운 지구촌의 소식을 접하고 더이상 이런 일이 반복되지 않기를 바라는 마음으로 글을 쓰게 되었습니다.
얼마전, 이스라엘과 팔레트타인의 전쟁으로 태어난지 겨우 4일 된 쌍둥이 아기들과 그들의 어머니가 폭격에 맞아 목숨을 잃었다는 소식을 들었습니다.
아이의 아버지는 쌍둥이 자녀들을 보고 너무나 기뻐서 행복에 겨운 상태로 출생신고를 앞두고 있었는데요. 아이들이 갓 태어나 쉬고있던 병원에 갑작스런 폭격이 떨어지는 바람에 안타깝게도 생을 마감할수밖에 없었다고 합니다.
子供の父親は双子の子供たちを見てとても嬉しくて幸せな状態で出生届を控えていたのですが、 子供たちが生まれて休んでいた病院に突然の爆撃が落ちたため、残念ながら生を終えるしかなかったそうです。
이때문에 시신의 연령을 적는데 쌍둥이 아이들은 '4일'이라는 나이가 적혔다고 하는데요.
아이의 아버지는 사랑하는 아내와 자식들을 한꺼번에 잃은 슬픔과 괴로움으로 아직까지 정신을 못차리고 있다고 합니다.
아무렴, 세상에 자식 잃은 부모는 그 참담한 슬픔을 감히 정의할 수가 없어 부르는 말이 없다고 할 정도인데 사랑하는 아내까지 함께 잃었으니 그의 슬픔은 세상 그 누구와도 견줄 수 없을 것 같은데요.
저는 이 소식을 듣고 너무나 안타까워서 말을 잇지 못하고 함께 눈물을 적셨습니다. 세상에 전쟁이 없었더라면, 사람들의 욕심과 이기적인 감정, 종교적 배척심이 없다면 애초에 이렇게 사랑하는 가족을 잃는 사람은 없었을 것입니다.
私はこの知らせを聞いてあまりにも切なくて、一緒に涙を流しました。 世の中に戦争がなかったら、人々の欲と利己的な感情、宗教的排斥心がなければ、そもそもこのように愛する家族を失う人はいなかったのでしょう。
우리가 사는 국가가 아직 전쟁이 일어나지 않아서 감이 없는것뿐이지, 지구촌 많은 나라에서는 아직까지도 국가간 전쟁, 혹은 나라 안에서 일어나는 내전, 종교전쟁 등 많은 전쟁이 일어나 셀 수 없는 많은 사람들이 고통을 겪고 있다는 사실을 아실 겁니다.
이런데도 상황에 따라 전쟁을 일으켜도 된다는 국제법의 현 주소는 너무도 잘못되었다고 생각하는데요.
여러분의 생각은 어떠신가요?
그 어떤 상황에서도 절대 전쟁을 일으켜선 안 되며, 서로 대화를 통해 합의점을 만들어내는것이 앞으로 자라나는 새싹들과 젊은 청년들을 위한 우리들의 사명이 아닐까 싶습니다.
전쟁을 하면 얻는것은 결코 아무것도 없습니다. 누군가는 승전을 하면 영토를 차지하든, 얻고자 하는 근본적인것을 손에 쥔다해도 그 이면에는 수많은 군인들과 국민들의 희생, 전쟁으로 인해 아수라장이 된 국가 등 이로운 것은 하나 없다는 거죠.
戦争をすれば得るものは決して何もありません。 誰かは勝戦をすれば領土を獲得しようが、得ようとする根本的なものを手にしたとしても、その裏には数多くの軍人や国民の犠牲、戦争によって修羅場となった国家など、得するものは一つもないということです。
이러한 때에 여러분의 지지와 힘이 필요합니다. 더이상 세계에 전쟁이 일어나지 않을 수 있도록, 새로운 국제법이 어서 속히 제정될 수 있도록 세계평화단체 HWPL에 지지해주세요.
こんな時に皆さんの支持と力が必要です。 これ以上世界に戦争が起きないように、新しい国際法が早く制定されるよう、世界平和団体HWPLを支持してください。
HWPL은 전쟁을 없애고 평화로운 세상을 만들기 위한 민간 평화단체로, 평화를 원하는 사람이라면 누구든지 지지할 수 있답니다.
여러분! 전쟁종식 세계평화를 위해 함께 지지해주십시오!
긴 글 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.
地球村平和祭り2024 Paris Olympic
Introducing the hydrangea fields in Gongju City, South Korea.
I went to Gongju of South Korea today. Gongju holds a Hydrangea Festival every year. It attracts tourists with beautiful hydrangeas. I was looking forward to seeing how pretty the hydrangeas would bloom, so I drove to the place but the hydrangeas has not bloomed yet.
The current situation of South Korea confronting North Korea! An end to the war is urgent.
Have you heard about the situation of Korea through the world news these days? Korea is the only divided country in the world, where the same races regard each other as enemies and have being a truce. Also, they have the pain of division, with them being separated from their families, and passing away without ever seeing their families again.
You may have recently heard that North Korea has been sending many balloons loaded with waste to South Korea.
This is not just a simple incident, but a very serious things that could be an actual bomb which is disguised as waste.
Every time I hear this news, I feel so distressed because the same races are hostile towards each other and live in fear of not knowing when war will break out.
War is a tragedy that causes many casualties and is an event that should never happen. Nevertheless, many wars, large and small, are currently taking place around the world. In this situation, only things that people all over the world need are peace and love.
Current international law allows war wheni it is necessary. Humanity can never be happy with this law. Please support the new international law that says war must not be permitted under any circumstances.
The Beginning of Peace - Love: What is the seed of peace, the beginning of peace?
# peace # the seed of peace # order # love
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The reason why peace in the human world was broken
The breakdown of peace in the human world is no different from the breakdown of order. There is a certain order in home, school, company, community, and country. The role of order is to keep members of society safe and ensure that things run smoothly. Even in such an order, there is a blind spot: the international community. There are too many cases where law and order are useless at national or higher levels. Currently, there is an international order based on the United Nations, but international law is not enforceable, and although the International Court of Justice exists, trials cannot proceed without the agreement of the parties involved. For this reason, wars and disputes still occur regularly in the international community. Where does the power to correct the international order lie? It lies in civil society. If everyone in the world becomes a citizen of peace and raises the voice of peace in their country, national leaders will not be able to ignore this.
The root cause of the breakdown of order is greed. Excessive greed broke procedures and order and caused war, resulting in numerous victims. Greed is something that all religions must guard against, and countless tragedies and disasters have occurred in history due to greed. Greed trampled on the dignity of life and took the lives of countless people. If you give up greed and selfishness, most disputes can be resolved peacefully.
The Earth is a small planet in the universe, and all human beings are like one family living on it. If peace is broken, everyone will perish together. So what is the seed of peace that will lead to peace? That is love. Love is the foundation of peace and humanity. When many people acquire the character of peace through peace education, the world will become a great tree of peace.
Come travel to Daejeon, Korea❤️
Have you ever visited Korea?
Korea on three sides is surrounded by the sea , making its rivers and mountains beautiful.
Nowadays, the number of people who are interested in Korean scenery or K-pop and dramas has been increasing.
Today, I would like to introduce Daejeon ,the city where I live.
There is a large lake called 'Daecheongho' in Daejeon, and the surrounding scenery and leisurely atmosphere of it are as beautiful as Central Park in the United States.
Especially, in spring, cherry blossoms and various kinds of flowers bloom around Daecheongho, creating an beautiful atmosphere, and there are also magnificent and wonderful statues.
If you walk along the stairs , you will arrive to the Daecheong Dam Observatory which has a large scale .
If you have a chance to visit Korea, come to Daejeon❤️❤️
#Korea #travel #koreatravel #Daejeon
cherry blossom
Cherry blossoms symbolize new beginnings and changes. As winter passes and spring comes, nature gains new vitality. The cherry blossom is a flower that symbolizes newness and change, and serves to inform us of a new beginning. When cherry blossoms bloom, we leave behind the past and prepare to face new challenges and opportunities.
かわいい赤ちゃんパンダクマ「フバオ」に会いにエバーランドに行ってきました。(The story of meeting Everland’s star ‘Fubao’)
Hello everyone. How have you been?
I went to meet a cute panda ‘Fubao’ of Everland, which is very popular in Korea these days.
My favorite animal is a panda, I really have looked forward to seeing it.
A pandas is an endangered animal, and according to the Washington Treaty, the ownership of it is only limited to China.
Therefore, although it was born in Korea, Fubao will have to go to China sonner or later this year.
It is expected for Fubao to leave for China around March or April.
It cannot be seen for a month due to quarantine procedures.
So I went to Everland to see the Fubao before it leaves.
As I expected, it is a very cute and lovely panda, though it has grown up.
At first visiting, I was disappointed that I couldn't see his face because he was sleeping, but at the second visiting, fortunately, it was awaken and I was able to see its cute face.
What kind of animal do you like best?